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The Importance Of Tempo In Music

In music, the tempo is one of the most important aspects. It can effect the mood and overall feel of the song, and can bring emphasis to certain sections. Through the correct usage of tempo in music, great things can be achieved.

What is the tempo? The tempo is essentially the speed of music. An example is a clock. It ticks once a second and exactly 60 times a minute. Therefore it could be said that a clock ticks at 60 beats per minute(BPM).

How is tempo used in music? Songs have a tempo gauged with BPM which determines how fast the music should be played. This helps keep the pace of the song the same and allows all instruments to be played in unison all in time. Typically the tempo remains the same throughout the entire song to keep the song consistent.

How can tempo be used to effect the mood and emphasis of parts of a song. By using a slow or fast tempo a song can feel sadder, impactful, or thicker. Similarly, a song with a fast tempo can feel more energetic, upbeat, or aggressive. Additionally, a song can change tempos, which can make certain sections standout. If a song changes from a slow tempo to a fast tempo it can highlight the specific section and change the song's mood.

All in all, tempo is an important part of music and is used in many different ways. If you want to challenge yourself, try listening to your favorite song and see if you tell how the tempo effects the song and if there are any tempo changes.

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